Teaching a text-structure approach to comprehension: collect-interpret-apply (CIA).

What the science says: "Students who are aware of text structure organize the text as they read, and they recognize and retain the important information it contains," (RAND Reading Study Group, 2002).




IMG_8057Students learn to read like detectives!

  1. Divide the text into quadrants. 
    (Simply take the number of pages in the book and divide by 4.)
  2. Put sticky notes in the book to mark the end of each quadrant.
  3. Read using the collect-interpret-apply approach!

🔎 The CIA approach provides a plan of action for students to use as they read:

CIA Different Font-1CIA Q2


Learn more about the CIA approach in this short video:

🔎 All units in the Read Side by Side Reading Program teach the CIA approach.

Final_265_Alt_BoyBenefits of a text-structure approach to reading:

  • Students learn to break the task of reading a chapter book into manageable steps. 
  • Students learn to pay attention to where they are in the book. They learn what strategies and skills are needed to read and understand each quadrant.
  • Students learn to monitor their comprehension as they read.
  • The approach is transferable to any text! Students learn to use the approach anytime they read.
  • Research demonstrates that students who pay attention to text-structure as they read recognize and retain the important information it contains.

Learn more about the collect-interpret-apply approach: