Formative assessments drive instructional decisions.

We provide a variety of formative assessment tools. You will also need a nationally normed assessment, and we will guide you in how to use the data to inform instruction.

Assessments guide the instructional decisions teachers make in their classrooms. The Assessment and Intervention Guide provides directions for using and analyzing assessments.

All of the assessments can be downloaded from the assessment page! 🖨️

Assessments in the program include:

  • Surveys and questionnaires to determine student's interests and motivation.
  • Running records to use in conjunction with your nationally normed assessments. Running records are provided for each one of the book club books in the program. Use them to match students to book club text and determine scaffolds and interventions.
  • Checklists and rubrics for grading daily work.
  • Reading guides or exit tickets to use with the read-aloud novels. Reading guides assess comprehension.
  • Conference forms to guide your one-on-one assessment of student progress.
  • Reading logs to monitor at home reading.

In addition, we also provide tools for organizing grades in preparation for progress reporting and report cards. 

Read more about assessments:

Assessment Guide