FAQ: We are concerned about the content taught in the book There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. Would this title be inappropriate for a Christian school?

Appropriate for all schools

2-Sep-21-2023-06-34-41-6652-PMThis book is a below grade level book club book that pairs with the read-aloud Holes, also by Louis Sachar. While the title may suggest an LGBTQ+ narrative, this book was written in 1987 and does not bring these modern topics into the story at all.

In fact, the ‘bathroom scene’ is a quick moment in the book, in which a new kid, while trying to find the counselor's office, accidentally walks into the girls’ bathroom and feels immediately embarrassed. 

This is an important book for this age group. It provides a perspective on what it is like when you feel like you don’t fit in. It is a beautiful and heart-warming story, sure to tug at the heart strings of all  teachers who have taught many Bradleys over the years.

Here is the “blurb” on the back of the book:

"Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you."

That's Bradley Chalkers for you. He's the oldest bully in the fifth grade. He tells outrageous lies. He is rude to his teachers and refuses to do his homework. No one likes him--except Carla, the new school counselor. Carla believes that underneath Bradley's don't-care attitude, he is sensitive and generous. She knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren't afraid to try.

But when you feel lilke the most hated kid in the whole school, believing in yourself can be the hardest thing in the world....

The bathroom scene takes place in Chapter 6. It would be a good idea, if there are concerns, to preview this chapter. It sets up some background for the remainder of the story.

If you are still concerned, consider a different unit for 5th grade. Please connect with an advisor for suggestions on which books might be alternatives to this story.