FAQ: Can I Replace a Title in the Program with a Different One?

Titles are chosen with thought and care to provide a comprehensive curriculum.

Sometimes teachers or administrators feel like a book should be replaced because of their perception of its content, because they feel it is outdated, because another grade likes teaching a particular novel, or for other reasons. While we at Read Side by Side understand those concerns, the process for selecting titles for the program is very thoughtful.
Please read to find out how Sarah selects texts for each grade level and each unit.
1. I think about how the title fits into the sequence. Students need to be able to make connections across the books within a school year.
Example - I love The Castle in the Attic because it connects so well to Shiloh (they will recognize that the main character is very similar to Marty) and also to Streams to the River (theme of a journey and how it changes you).
2. I consider the qualitative and quantitative level of the text. Is there enough in the book to challenge students? Is there enough in the book to get kids talking and thinking deeply? What level is the vocabulary?
3. Is the book enjoyable for kids? (I am more concerned with kids enjoying the book than teachers).
Example - The Castle in the Attic has always been a hit in my classroom and other teachers’ classrooms. Kids get excited about learning about medieval times and knights and castles. Many students continue on to read the sequel, Battle for the Castle, on their own.
4. Does the book have a positive message and role model?
Example - This is a tricky one with the epic fantasy genre. Many of my schools have concerns about students reading fantasy novels because it may be perceived as bordering on witchcraft. I am very careful to ensure that the fantasy books I choose place more emphasis on positive character traits and values. The Castle in the Attic certainly does with the emphasis on teaching the Code of Chivalry.
You are certainly welcome to switch out the title if you believe it is in the best interest of your students and that another title would do as good of a job or better of a job challenging students to think deeply.
Example - If I were to make a suggestion, I would suggest using the high book club novel, Into the Land of the Unicorns. This would mean that The Castle in the Attic would replace the high book club.
The reason I suggest sticking with the titles I have selected is simply because there is a curriculum to guide each teacher’s use of the books. If you replace with any other title, teachers would have to create all of the lessons themselves.